This guide is for those who have some level of familiarity with bash (or some other Mac or Linux shell), either because you’ve read our introductory guide or because you’ve used the command line for a while and want to know more. In either case, welcome. This guide will be a little bit less structured than the introductory one, as it will serve as a grab-bag of useful tips and tricks to make you more efficient when using the shell.

Table of Contents

Return values and exit statuses

If you’ve ever written a C program, you may have noticed that you need to end the main function with a return() or exit() statement, which should return an integer value. In the context of shell-scripting, the return value of a program’s main function is called its exit status, which can be used in conditionals to check whether a program finished successfully or not.

The main Unix convention is that an exit status of 0 indicates that a program completed successfully, while any other value indicates that an error occurred. You can always assume that a “standard” Linux utility will follow this convention and you should follow it in your own programs whenever possible (this is not just limited to C, bash scripts can have exit statuses as well). Unfortunately, there are no conventions as to the meaning of nonzero statuses: often an exit status of 1 is used as a catch-all error status, but individual programs assign their own meanings. If you need to check for a specific error condition, you’ll need to consult the program’s documentation or man page beforehand. If you’re writing a C program, it’s a good idea to use the preprocessor defined constants EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE (defined in stdlib.h) when exiting the program, since the compiler should set them to a sensible value for your target platform.


Bash allows you to loop over sequences, which could be elements of an array, ranges of numbers or sub-units of a string. The general syntax is:

for <index_var> in <sequence>
    # Do work and access $index_var here

where index_var can have any name, and should only be accessed inside the body of the loop. As bash steps through the loop, index_var will take on the value of each successive element of the sequence.

For example, we can make a for loop over indices by writing:

for i in {1..10}
    echo $i

Since each line is its own separate command, we can squash a loop into one line by using semicolons (“;”) to delimit commands:

for i in {1..10}; do echo $i; done

Also note that integer ranges in bash can start and stop at any value and can have non-unit step sizes via the syntax {start..end..increment}, so to loop from 0 to 10 in increments of 5 you would write {0..10..5}.


Conditionals (if-then-else statements) in bash are implemented with the somewhat unusual syntax:

if <COND1>
  # Do work here
elif <COND2>
  # Do something else
  # Do yet something else

The fi statement is equivalent to endif in other languages, and the elif and else branches are optional.

The actual comparison operation must be encased in one of the following brackets:

  • [[ COND ]] is for string comparisons
  • (( COND )) is for numerical (arithmetic) comparisons Note that the spaces between the conditional and the brackets is important.

Bash accepts the common comparison operators: >, <, ==, !=. There are also some shell-specific conditionals such as checking whether a file exists [[ -e filename ]], a full list of which can be found in the GNU bash online manual. 1

To give a concrete examples, we can compare the string values of variables by doing:

if [[ VAR1 == VAR2 ]]
  echo "Variables are equal"
  echo "Variables are not equal"

whereas to compare the numerical values of two variables we would instead write:

if (( N > 0 ))
  echo "N greater than zero"

Finally, an important and common gotcha to avoid: we didn’t put “$” in front of variables in comparisons, which is different to the usual way to access variables. You technically can use $VAR, but the conditional will still work as expected without it, and using a “$” in the conditional will break if the variable is uninitialised or non-existent.


Bash has arrays, which have the syntax things=(thing1 thing2 thing3) and can be looped through by doing

for thing in ${things[@]}
  echo $thing

Looping over arrays will work even if the individual elements contain whitespace or special characters in their names, which is safer than looping over plain text (which is split on whitespace when used in a loop). Unfortunately, it is not possible to return arrays from a function or program, so they’re only really useful for local variables.

Advanced use of find

The find utility is very useful for searching through the file system, but it has many more uses than those outlined in our introductory tutorial. For starters, find has multiple types of tests you can use to further refine the search:

  • -name: search for files whose name matches a given pattern. The pattern can contain wildcard characters (using regular expression syntax) and must be contained in quotation marks to prevent bash from attempting to expand it.
  • -type: search based on file type, which is represented by a single character. The three most common types you’re likely to need are f for regular file, d for directory and l for symbolic link (discussed later in this guide).
  • -mtime n: search for files based on the time (in 24 hour blocks) they were last modified. The parameter n (which must be an integer) can be prefixed with a “+” or “-“ which modifies the time period searched for: +n will search for files accessed more than n days ago, -n will search for files accessed less than n days ago and n will search for files accessed exactly n days ago. Note that this is not the same as searching for when a file was created, modifying an old file will update its mtime but not its creation time (there isn’t really a way to test file creation time which works across all systems).
  • -mmin n: similar to mtime, but the modification time is measured in minutes rather than days.

Multiple tests can be specified in a single find command to further narrow the search, with each test requiring its own flag (even if multiple tests of the same type are used, such as find -name "*foo*" -name "*bar*"). By default, specifying multiple tests will search for files which match all tests, but this behaviour can be modified through the use of the logical operators -o (OR) and -a. For example, if we wanted to list all files with the extension .txt or .dat, then we can combine the two queries with -o to get:

find . \( -name '*.txt' -o -name '*.dat' \)

Note the backslash (“\”) preceding the brackets. Brackets have a special meaning in bash, so we must quote them to prevent bash from trying to interpret them as an arithmetic conditional. Furthermore, the quotations around the wildcards are to ensure that they are passed directly to find: unquoted, bash would expand them to provide a list of files matching the pattern in the current directory, which would then be passed to find (which is not what we want to do). Multiple logical operators can be chained together, with the resulting query following de Morgan’s laws of Boolean algebra (e.g. expanding bracketed expressions). For example, if we wanted to list all files ending with .txt or .dat and were accessed less than 30 days ago, we would run:

find . \( -name '*.txt' -o -name '*.dat' \) -a -mtime -30

These examples should give an idea of the kind of fine-grained searching you can do with find, but it’s capable of doing more than just printing filenames. find also accepts an action to perform on each matching file, which is provided as a set of flags after the set of tests to perform. The default action is to print the filenames (which is also specified by the-print flag), but two other useful actions are:

  • -delete: delete all files which match the search criteria. This action can be extremely destructive (as in, “wipe out your file system”-level destructive) if you make a mistake in the search criteria, so make sure to do a test-run with -print first to make sure you’re deleting the right set of files.
  • -print0: print the names of the files, separated by NUL characters rather than whitespace. The NUL character (\0) is the only character which is not legal in Unix filenames, or in shell commands, so is much safer than the whitespace-separated -print when piping find’s output into other shell commands (it doesn’t run into the issue of bash interpreting filenames with spaces as multiple separate files). It does, however, require the next utility in the pipeline to support NUL-separated input, so is somewhat more restrictive than the default.

This last action -print0 is particularly useful when combined in a pipeline with the xargs command, which combines the powerful search capabilities of find with the ability to perform essentially arbitrarily complex manipulations and shell commands.


xargs is a somewhat lesser known Unix command that is nonethless one of the most useful programs in a shell programmer’s toolkit. To quote from the man page: xargs reads items from the standard input, delimited by blanks (which can be protected with double or single quotes or a backslash) or newlines, and executes the command (default is /bin/echo) one or more times with any initial-arguments followed by items read from standard input. Basically, xargs behaves like a safer for-loop, which takes a set of arguments to execute, and runs through them one by one. You’d almost never use xargs by itself, but rather as part of a pipeline where its arguments are piped in from the output of another command.

As mentioned above, one common pattern is to pipe the output of find into xargs to execute some command on every file which matches the given criteria. The possibility of whitespace or newlines in filenames means that you cannot safely use find and xargs together using only whitepsace-separated lists of files, as any unusual filenames will break the pipeline. Fortunately, xargs provides the -0 flag, which tells xargs to separate the input elements by a NUL character, so files containing whitespace will be treated as a single argument.

As a concrete example, suppose we wanted to use grep to search for a particular string, but we only want to search files in the ./data directory ending with .inp, accessed within the last 30 days. We can combine find (with the -print0 flag) and xargs as follows:

find ./data -name "*.inp" -mtime -30 -print0 | xargs -0 grep "some_string"

This pipeline will safely handle filenames containing whitespace, as well as filenames starting with a hyphen, since the filenames will all start with ./data/... (so there is no chance of them being interpreted as a command-line flag). Using find as the first command in the pipeline allows for much finer granularity in selecting files when compared to just using shell wildcards.

Another extremely important use of xargs is efficiently deleting large numbers of files from HPC file systems. Parallel HPC clusters typically use a file system which is shared across multiple nodes and accessible everywhere on the cluster (and sometimes shared between clusters managed by the same facility), called a distributed file system. It is usually inefficient to run rm on huge numbers of files stored on a distributed file system, and some HPC centres such as the Pawsey centre discourage its use for this reason. Instead, Lustre (a common distributed file system) provides the munlink command, which stresses the file system less than a standard deletion. When deleting large numbers of files, it’s therefore best to use find to select the files for deletion, then pipe through xargs -0 munlink to remove the files. More information can be found in the Magnus userguide, and you should strongly consider using this pattern to avoid slowing down the filesystem for other users (and potentially getting a cranky email from the Pawsey system administrators).

Although there are other methods for repeatedly executing commands on groups of files (e.g. using an explicit for-loop), find + xargs is the safest way of implementing this pattern. You should prefer using xargs to explicit loops over files unless you encounter a problem which absolutely cannot be solved with xargs.

GNU parallel

A similar tool to xargs is GNU parallel, which also executes commands with arguments read from standard input, but attempts to execute commands using multiple cores (i.e. in parallel) whenever possible. GNU parallel is extremely powerful and allows you to very easily utilise modern multicore processors in simple shell-scripts, but it’s also full of subtle pitfalls. If you think parallel would be a good fit for your workload (e.g. running many instances of single-core, compute intensive jobs), I would highly recommend reading the man page (man parallel) in full before venturing forth.

Running commands in the background

Linux has the ability to keep commands running in the background, only returning control to them when they’re finished or when specifically requested. This is particularly useful in a remote SSH session, as it means you can start some I/O intensive command running in the background and continue to use your shell session while it completes. In bash, this is achieved by adding an ampersand (“&”) after the command, e.g. ./prog arg1 &. This works best for non-interactive jobs, since if the command needs user input (such as confirmation before removing a file) then it will block indefinitely until brought to the foreground. Commands can be brought to the foreground with the fg command.

It’s easiest to stick to one background job at a time, but if there are multiple suspended jobs then Bash will assign each a numeric jobspec, which must be provided to fg to select which job to bring forward.

It is possible to suspend interactive command-line programs like vim or less by pressing ctrl+z. This is not always useful, as a text editor won’t actually do anything until you bring it back to the foreground with fg, but it can be handy if you want to “pause” an editing session to run some other command before returning to the session where you left off.

Processes and signals

Separate to bash’s idea of jobspec, the Linux kernel assigns each running process with a process ID (PID), which can be used to refer to and modify that process while its running. Each PID is guaranteed to be associated with exactly one process at any given time, but PIDs can be (but are not guaranteed to be) reused after a process has finished executing.

PIDs are commonly used for inter-process communication (IPC): sending messages between processes as a form of coordination. The simplest way to do this on Linux (and other Unices like macOS) is by sending a signal to a process. The process must then handle the signal, which can be done through custom signal handler subroutines or delegated to the kernel (the part of the operating system which manages resources and schedules processes to run on the hardware). Signals are assigned a positive integer identifier, and are given a of the form SIG<NAME> where <NAME> is usually a mnemonic for the signal’s function. For example, SIGTERM signals that a process should terminate while SIGSEGV (short for “segmentation violation”) is sent by the OS to indicate that a program has tried to access memory it is not permitted to (commonly referred to as a “segmentation fault” or “segfault”).

The kernel will automatically send signals to processes for a number of reasons, but it is also possible to send your own signals at will. In bash, this is achieved via the kill command, with kill -l providing a list of all signals supported on your system. kill is invoked with the syntax kill -<SIGNAL> <PID>, where SIGNAL is the last component of the signal’s name (i.e. kill -TERM PID). If no signal is specified then it defaults to sending TERM, which will terminate the process. For security reasons, you are only permitted to send signals to processes you own. Finally, the related command killall will send a signal to all processes sharing a given name (e.g. killall -TERM firefox will terminate all running instances of firefox), but this command should be used with caution.

Before you can send a signal to a process, you’ll need to find its PID. There are two main ways of doing this. Your system may have a system monitor installed (the Linux equivalent of Windows Task Manager), in which case each process’s PID will be supplied next to its name, owner and resource consumption. Even though most clusters will not have a graphical system monitor, they will usually have a command-line program called top, which provides similar functionality and will list active PIDs. The second, programmatic, way to get a process’s PID is to use the command pidof <name> or pgrep <pattern> to search for processes by name. pidof searching for processes which exactly match the supplied string, while pgrep will search for partial matches (with similar syntax to regular grep) and can be used with other criteria like user ID.

Finally, many debugging and profiling programs can attach to a running process via its PID. For example, it’s possible to use GDB (the GNU debugger) to start debugging an already running process via the command-line option -p <PID>. So if you start a simulation ./prog and suspect it is misbehaving (e.g. it appears to hang and not produce output), you would first get its PID with pidof prog and then run GDB with gdb -p PID 2. You can either copy-paste the PID between commands, or merge them into one command by gdb -p $(pgrep prog) (the $(...) syntax tells bash to make an environment variable which has its value set to the output of the command in brackets).

Hard links and symbolic links

Unix filesystems allow files to be referenced by multiple filenames and paths without duplicating the underlying contents; this is called a link and is analogous to shortcuts in Windows File Explorer or aliases in Mac’s Finder. Linux has two kinds of links, called hard links and symbolic links (often shortened to symlinks); the latter is more useful on HPC clusters.

A symlink is a high-level pointer which refers to some file located anywhere on the filesystem (potentially including on remote file servers or directories), which could be a regular file, a directory or something more exotic. Symlinks can be opened or cd‘d into as if they were a regular file, and the kernel will automatically resolve the action to point to the underlying, “real” file. The exception is that deleting a symlink with rm will only remove the symbolic link while leaving the underlying file untouched.

Symbolic links are created with the ln command, which has the syntax:

ln --symbolic <target> <link_name>

where target is the original file (or directory), and link_name is self-explanatory and can be either a relative or absolute filename. Hard links (which can only point to files on the current flesystem) are created with the same syntax, but without the --symbolic flag. Symlinks appear differently to other files in the output of tools like ls, and the path they resolve to is given by running ls -l.

Symlinks are particularly useful as a way to make your own memorable shortcuts for the (often complex) directory structures on HPC clusters, which you can standardise between multiple machines. For example, Magnus, Gadi and the RCC clusters all have different names and paths for their scratch directories, so it can be useful to make a symlink in your home directory on each system pointing to its scratch directory, but with the same name on each system. For example, you might make a symlink on Magnus with ln --symbolic /scratch/project/pawsey_username ~/scratch, and another on Gadi with ln --symbolic /scratch/project/nci_username ~/scratch. Both of these can be traversed by the usual cd ~/scratch, which is much more convenient than typing the full path each time.

Finally, symbolic links will remain even after the underlying file is deleted (or may not have existed in the first place), which is referred to as a dangling symlink. Trying to access a dangling symlink will fail, but this can be useful in some cases, such as making a symbolic link to an executable: you don’t want to have to make a new symlink every time you do a clean build (i.e. deleting and recompiling the binary), so you can make a symlink, which will dangle and then become valid when the file exists again.

Programming in bash

In addition to its interactive use, bash is also a fully-capable programming language (albeit one with plenty of quirks and idiosyncrasies). But even though you can write complex programs in bash, it’s worth stopping to consider whether you should.

Bash (the language) is powerful, yes, but it’s also chock full of gotchas and footguns 3 that can and will break your program if you’re not extremely careful. Thankfully, these gotchas are documented, but bash will not warn you before doing something destructive, so it’s extremely easy to accidentally do something terrible like blow away all your files. That last part is not hyperbole, by the way: the Steam video game store had a nasty bug in a shell script caused by calling rm -r ${STEAMROOT}/* without checking whether the STEAMROOT variable was actually set. Unlike many other programming languages, bash lets you use variables without declaring them first, and will just expand uninitialised variables to NULL, which in this case caused the script to execute rm -r /* (the root directory) and deleted everything on the user’s computer.

This is an extremely bad bug, but it’s actually surprisingly common in shell scripts (even those written by experienced programmers). And this is just one gotcha among many. There’s also the alphabet soup of special variables (e.g. $? which stores the status of the last run process, $! which stores the process ID of the last process; you don’t want to get these confused), the difficulty of safely handling whitespace in variables or file-names (let alone newlines) and the fact that running commands in a pipe executes them in a subshell (so any variables you assign in a pipeline will be inaccessible to the calling process). Note that I didn’t call bash a bad programming language, merely an idiosyncratic one. Bash can be incredibly useful if you get it right, but even the best-written bash scripts tend to be very fragile and liable to blow up in the user’s face.

So should you use complex bash scripts? It depends. For relatively short tasks like wrapping a pipeline (gluing several programs together) or setting up the execution environment for an HPC job then a bash script is the right tool for the job. But if you find yourself writing complicated branching logic and fancy arithmetic, especially for a task you’re likely to re-use or adapt multiple times, it might be safest to avoid bash entirely.

Consider using Python instead: there are modules which allow you to access command-line utilities, manipulate files and processes and access remote resources. Python also has the benefit of a more consistent syntax and robust unit testing frameworks, making it safer and more reliable than the equivalent bash scripts. These two tutorials give a good overview:, You can’t do everything in Python, but for many complex tasks it’s a better choice of tool than hacking together a huge shell script. If Python doesn’t work for you, it’s also worth considering using Perl, which is extremely flexible and safer than bash.

For the times when you do need to use bash, here are some important concepts and guidelines to keep in mind.

Common footguns to avoid

There are many lists of bash gotchas, anti-patterns and pitfalls on the internet. What follows are some of the more risky ones to look out for:

  • Consider using set -ue to prevent the use of uninitialised variables.
  • Check that the system you’re running a script on actually has bash. It might only have the older sh, or forcibly re-direct /bin/bash to something weird like ash or dash. Some systems only have ancient versions of bash, which will not work with scripts using newer features. This is far more common than you might expect (you’re likely to encounter weird shells on really old servers, or in containers using lightweight Linux distributions as the base OS).
  • Command-line utilities like awk, grep or rsync can have subtly different options or usage on different Unix systems. For example, most (but not all) Linux distributions use “GNU Awk” (gawk), while macOS uses “New Awk” (nawk). Despite its name, “New Awk” is older than “GNU Awk”, so there are several features which exist on Linux but are not available in on Mac. This can cause scripts to break in unexpected ways.
  • All variables are global unless specified otherwise. They are not inherited by sub-processes (including subshells) unless exported however.
  • Bash treats all data as strings of text unless you specifically request otherwise, meaning that even if a variable looks like a numerical value, such as x=10, it’s still a string. This can cause particular confusion in comparisons and conditionals, where [[ var1 = var2 ]] will perform a string comparison which will usually do what you expect, but not always. For example, if var1=10 and var2=10.0, then [[ var1 = var2 ]] will evaluate to false, since 10 and 10.0 are different strings, even if they have the same numeric value.

    If you need to compare numeric variables, you instead need to use [[ var1 -eq var2 ]] (there are similar operators -ne,-lt, -le, -gt, -ge) or replace the square brackets with ((...)) to force bash to do a numerical comparison.

  • Bash does not allow 4 certain special characters in variable names:

    • dots (“.”),
    • hyphens (“-“),
    • asterisks (“*”),
    • ampersand (“&”),
    • brackets and braces (“(”, “[”, “{”).

    Variable names can contain numbers, but can’t start with them (these are reserved by the shell), and cannot be reserved words or special characters.

  • Bash is extremely particular about whitespace, to the point where the presence or absence of a “space” can cause radically different behaviour. One common pitfall is that whitespace is not allowed on either side of the “=” in variable assignment: x=10 is allowed, but x = 10 will likely fail (bash will treat x as if it were a program, and try to execute it with the arguments = and 10). Another common error is that the whitespace inside a comparison is significant: [[ var1 = var2 ]] is allowed, but [[var1 = var2]] will (probably) fail (bash will look for a variable named [[var1).

    Finally, as previously mentioned, whitespace in filenames is a huge headache to deal with, so it’s best to avoid entirely (I tend to use underscores instead, in the form multiple_word_name.txt). Unfortunately, there’s no guarantee that other programs (or other users) will respect the “no-whitespace” rule, so you must be very careful every time you write a script which deals with files - treat every file you don’t personally write out as if it was written by a hostile adversary determined to break your computer.

  • Quotation marks are significant: enclosing something single- vs double-quotes (' and ") has different meanings in bash. Text enclosed in single-quotes will strip all special-characters within them of meaning, so variables will not be substituted, wildcards will not be expanded and escape sequences will not be handled. This is referred to as a string literal. Single-quoted strings can include any special-character (e.g. ‘$’, ‘&’, ‘\’) and bash will not attempt to parse them.

    Text enclosed in double-quotes will do variable substitution (so "$var" will resolve to a string representation of the value of var), but will not expand wildcards. Most of the time this is not important, but if you’re using variables as arguments to file-system commands like cp or rm it is crucial to use double-quotes to prevent files with wildcards like “*” and “?” from being expanded and potentially blowing up your filesystem. You may need to literally type rm "file with spaces and *", in which case you’ll know to take the correct precautions, but more common is accidentally running into this through variable substitution.

    For example, consider the common pattern rm $filename, where $filename might be the output of another command or the result of some text manipulation. If $filename happens to have the literal value “data *.dat” (terrible but nonetheless legal Linux filename), the rm $filename will expand to rm data *.dat which will remove the file data and all files ending with .dat. This is probably not what you intended. Double-quotes will prevent this from happening. Such strange filenames are uncommon, and you definitely shouldn’t use them yourself, but these edge cases are extremely destructive if you do happen to run into one. You never know when some program will produce a file with a dangerous name, so it’s best not to take any chances.

  • If you need to pass quoted variables to cp, mv or rm, you may need to preface them with -- to tell the program that there are no more command-line arguments (e.g. `cp – “$var1” “$var2”), otherwise any files which start with a hyphen will be interpreted as flags, leading to unexpected behaviour.

Command line arguments

Shell scripts can take command line arguments, which function the same as for any other program. Command line arguments are accessed through numbered variables ${1}, ${2}, etc (${0} contains the name of the script), which can be used like any other variable in bash. For example, if we had a script called and invoked it with the arguments ./ CH4 something 100.5, then the values of the numeric variables will be:

  • ${0}: ./
  • ${1}: CH4
  • ${2}: something
  • ${2}: 100.5

GNU bash (i.e. the bash available on Linux systems) provides the getopts utility for more sophisticated methods of handling and parsing input options, allowing for things like required vs optional flags at the cost of greatly increased complexity. A good rundown of getopts can be found here, while a (somewhat colourful) rundown of alternatives can be found here.

Broadly speaking though, if you find yourself needing to do complex argument parsing, you’re probably better off using Python instead - it will be easier, more reliable and give you less heartburn than hacking something together in bash.


You can define functions in bash, which work more or less the same as in other languages. Functions take arguments with the same syntax as regular bash scripts (i.e. ${1}, ${2}, etc) and are defined with the syntax:

func() {
  # Do work here

and are called by doing:

$ func arg1 arg2 arg3 ...

where you would replace func with a descriptive name of your choosing, and arg1 can be any string or variable. It’s important to note that if you define a function inside a script, then the function’s arguments will be different than the arguments to the script. That is to say, $1 will have a different value inside the function (the arguments passed to the function) than if you reference $1 in the rest of the script (the argument passed to the whole script from the command line), even though they have the same name.

Functions can access and modify the variables in the rest of the script (or interactive shell) in which they are defined, since all variables default to being globally available within a given shell. If you want to make a local variable inside a function, the syntax is:

func() {
  local var=10
  echo $var # This will print "10"
echo $var # "var" is no longer defined, this will print nothing
  1. Note that the [ and [[ brackets are not simply syntax for if-statements. [ is a full-fledged bash command, which takes a logical statement to evaluate and returns either true or false. It is perfectly possible to construct an if-statement without using square-brackets, such as when making conditionals based on the exit status of a program (confusingly, in bash 0 evaluates to true since an exit status of zero indicates success). The fact that [ is a command, coupled with bash’s syntax separating command-line arguments by spaces, also explains why there must be spaces after the [[, the values and the comparison operator. 

  2. This process is somewhat complicated for MPI calculations, since mpirun will spawn multiple processes with the same name, thus causing pidof and pgrep to return multiple PIDs. Debugging MPI programs turns out to be somewhat involved (for this and many other reasons), but the OpenMPI FAQ has a good walkthrough explaining how to use GDB to debug MPI programs. 

  3. i.e. a language feature which seemingly only exists to allow you to shoot yourself in the foot. 

  4. More accurately, bash will not prevent you from using some of these in your variable names, but your script might blow up without warning.