
This guide is a little different to the others on this site, in that it’s more of a list of resources for getting started, as well as a set of “best practices” to follow. There are many, many tutorials purporting to teach python and data analysis so there’s not much point in providing another fully-fledged guide when we can leverage one that already exists. Unfortunately, some of the resources on python are very good, while some basically useless and it can be overwhelming to try to sort through as a beginner.

This guide therefore aims to point you towards the useful resources so you can learn at your own pace and is split into three topics: “Introductory Python”, “Plotting and Data Visualisation” and “Advanced Python”. All of the resources linked throughout this guide are freely (and legally) available online and have been (mostly) vetted for accuracy.


You’ll need to know the basics of interacting with a computer and manipulating files and directories before you can start learning python. Some basic familiarity with the command-line would also be beneficial - CTCMS’s Introduction to the Linux command-line is a good way to get up to speed. Finally, you’ll need a working python installation on your computer before you can do anything. The official python documentation has installation guides for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Introductory Python

If you don’t know how to program in python but would like to learn, this is the place to start. The resources in this section assume no prior knowledge of python or programming in general and are designed for you to follow along at your own pace.

Software Carpentry - Programming with Python

Software Carpentry is a long-running initiative to teach researchers practical computational skills to enable them to get more done. They operate as both a set of online resources and as a network of accredited, volunteer teachers who run hands-on workshops aimed at scientists and engineers. They have an excellent introduction to python (at the above link and here), which even includes an introduction to data visualisation. This workshop is also regularly hosted by QCIF (Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Fund) for Queensland-based researchers. Check this link for details and upcoming sessions.

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - Al Sweigert

If the Software Carpentry workshop isn’t your style, Automate the Boring Stuff is an excellent introduction to python for beginners. It focuses on “learning by doing” through a series of small but practical programs designed to automate common computer tasks. It’s more focused on general purpose programming than data science, but is a great introductory textbook nonetheless.

Official Python Documentation

The python project has some excellent official documentation which is regularly updated as new features are added to the language. The official tutorial gives a good, high-level introduction to a range of concepts, but doesn’t aim for the same depth as the other tutorials in this section. The standard library reference is almost the opposite, as it provides extensive documentation for every part of the standard library of functions and data types which ships with python. If you ever forget how something works or what kind of options are available, this is the place to start.

Guide to installing Python packages

The major data visualisation libraries covered in this guide are all distributed as optional addons, packages, which must be installed separately to python. The default way to do this is via the pip package manager, which is usually bundled with the python programming language. An increasingly popular alternative is conda, which is developed by the Anaconda project. Either will do for our purposes, but whichever you choose, keep in mind that there are risks associated with installing python packages. Neither PyPI (the repository used by pip) or Coda vet uploaded packages for security or stability, so only install major packages you know and trust.

Data visualisation and plotting

There are two main plotting/visualisation libraries in Python: Matplotlib and Seaborn. There are some major differences between the two, but which one to use is ultimately dictated by personal preference and what your collaborators are using.

Matplotlib is directly inspired by Matlab and is closely integrated with python’s numerical computing library Numpy. Matplotlib is widely used in scientific domains (partially due to its conceptual closeness to Matlab), but has a somewhat clunky and low-level interface.

Seaborn, on the other hand, is newer and more inspired by the R programming language. Seaborn is closely integrated with the Pandas dataframe library and is aimed more towards data science and is thus less widely used in scientific fields. It has a more modern interface and the default configuration options for figures are easier to read (and prettier!) than Matplotlib.

Matplotlib resources

Seaborn resources

Further reading

This guide is intended to be a sort of “crash-course” introduction to python, so there are several important topics in data visualisation which we haven’t touched on. The topic of visualisation is vast and this guide is meant to be short, so here are some useful resources you might like to familiarise yourself with in order to get the most out of your plots and figures:

  • Claus Wilke, Fundamentals of Data Visualization, (2019) O’Reilly Media. URL:
    • This book does not focus on a single plotting program, instead aiming to be a general guide to making good plots which efficiently convey the desired information. It contains a number of real examples and covers a wide-range of visualisation techniques beyond those covered in this guide. It is freely available on the author’s website under a Creative Commons license.
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), eHandbook of Statistical Methods, (2012). URL:
    • Handbook of methods and best-practices for statistics and data analysis in engineering. Of particular interest to this guide is “Chapter 1: Exploratory Data Analysis”, which includes procedures and discussions of analysis techniques (both graphical and non-graphical) to uncover the underlying structure, distribution and important features of a data set.
  • Jake VanderPlas, Python Data Science Handbook, (2016) O’Reilly Media. URL:
    • Textbook which covers multiple aspects of data science with python: data analysis, data visualisation (an excerpt of which is linked above), and machine learning. It’s quite a long read, but worthwhile if you’re at all interested in data science.